Topographic Lamps or Topolamps are inspired by the beauty of how shadows cascade over mountains and the way the shoreline splits the earth from the sea. Landscapes transformed into illuminated sculptures and lamps. Using a wide range of digital knowledge we combine geographic information systems, computer aided design and 3D printing the illuminated sculptures are forged.
Brilliance of GEOMETRY
dESIGNED to impress
Glowing with cosmic energy our first glow creation will send you into the universe asking big questions. Based on 3D Sacred Geometry, the structure can be found throughout nature in Diamonds, Ice and other mineral structures. Our cosmic creations come in a wide range of glow colors that designed in-house to have the greatest shine possible.
Concept to Physicality
urn your Idea from Sketches to a CAD Model to a Physical Object
Turn out many ideas of the same concept to see the best result, a process of ideation. NDA Available.
CNC, Water Jet & Laser Cut
2D contour based operations with file preparation in CAD with DXF outputs. Contracted out to partners.
Jig & Mold Making
Cast objects in Silicon to create high fidelity molds and print custom jigs for manufacturing.
Rendering & Model Making
Able to generate proposal models and computer renders from low to high photo-realistic fidelity
3D Printing
CAD Models to physical models via FDM plastics or SLA resins
Including: mesh repair, slicing optimization, ABS, PLA, PetG, and a variety of engineered resins
Shop Drawings
Professional level shop drawings via Solidworks, Pre-Engineer Approval
Including: BOM, cutlist optimization, weld notes, exploded views, etc
1458 Grant Street
Bellingham, WA
Phone: +1 907-376-7553
Monday-Friday: 9:00 – 18:00
Saturday: 11:00 – 17:00
Sunday: Closed